Domestic Worker Hiring to The Philippines

The Philippine Embassy continues to make three ‘impossible demands’ that are preventing the return of 11 Filipino domestic workers to Kuwait. Khaled Al-Dukhnan reaffirmed in an interview with Al-Seyassah that the problem continues to exist. Al-Dukhnan said that only 6 domestic offices are allowed by law to recruit workers from Philippines. Out of 366 offices registered, this means 360 offices are idle.

He said that a delegation of the Union’s board along with representatives of Philippine Federation met with Undersecretary of Philippine Department of Labor Olalia, and Assistant Secretary for Migrant Workers Felicis K.B. To discuss the reasons for the delays and complications in issuing “job orders” by the Philippine labor attache in Kuwait. He explained that the labor attache office in Kuwait highlighted the difficulties Kuwaiti offices have in obtaining ‘job orders’ due to the embassy’s impossible demands. These include requiring Kuwaiti offices to provide entry-exit records for workers. This is impossible because it is not the responsibility of recruitment offices, but rather the relevant government authorities, or personal authorization by the worker.

Al-Dukhnan said that the embassy demanded that Kuwaiti offices track down the whereabouts workers who were reported as ‘absent,’ or had fled from their sponsors. This is a difficult request as the Ministry of Interior is handling the issue. He also mentioned another demand: to pay end of service benefits and overdue wages to workers who were repatriated, or are about be repatriated, by their sponsors but have not received their entitlements. This issue is governed under Law No. The Labor Offices have no role to play in this matter.

Source Arabtimes 

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  1. cheche belleza
    September 17, 2024

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