For so many years, Filipino workers have been enduring unjust treatment by their employers and they are left without no one to run to. But the Philippine Overseas Labor Office wanted to change these circumstances by letting these Filipino workers report such incidents to their office so they can be provided immediate assistance.
“Workers have the right to transfer or change companies so long as they have met the required years of stay with the company. In the event that companies refuse, we ask OFWs to report to Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO) details of their complaints,” says Welfare Officer of the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (POLO) Atty. Llewelyn Perez.
“We often speak to sponsors and find a way to resolve the situations and in some cases, sponsors refuse, we provide Assistance to our OFWs to file cases in Shoon and put the company on the watch list and that no contracts for recruitment will be processed until cases are resolved,” she added.

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The statement was in lieu of the recent complaints filed against an international food chain that allegedly refused to release their workers even after they have finished their three years contract in the company. Other complaints include unpaid overtime, a discrepancy in salary, salary deduction without adequate explanation, overwork, and unpaid airline tickets.
“There have been several cases when the company refuses to provide release instead opt to send them home or force them to work continuously on their terms,” says an OFW who works for the company.
“I never complained about the long hours of work because I know we do not have enough people, but the worst situation was when salary day comes, there were deductions without proper explanations and my meager salary ends up almost nothing. Many of the staff have not been complaining but it’s just too much” the OFW added.
To tackle these issues, the Assistance to Nationals Unit (ATNU) and POLO requested OFWs who are suffering from unjust and maltreatment by their employers to provide proper information regarding their complaints. They will also reach out to their sponsors to look for a common agreement over these issues.
Moreover, companies, recruitment agencies, and employers who are under the watch list will never be allowed to push through with employment contracts which means that they will be banned from hiring Filipino workers from the Philippines.
“We’re just hoping they comply with what they signed in the contract and allow the staff to find better opportunities” stated OFW who also works for the same company,” says the POLO official.
Source The Times Kuwait