168 New Cases of Corona-virus in Kuwait, Total Now are 2,248

April 22, 2020, Sunday  MOH Announced the new coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) in the last 24 hours which 168.

The total cases in Kuwait are 2,248

Full details below.

Related to Travel 6

  • 5 cases of Kuwaiti nationals related to travel to the United Kingdom
  • 1 case of Kuwaiti national related to travel to U.A.E.

Cases in Contact 145

  • 5 cases of Kuwaiti Nationals
  • 80 cases of Indian
  • 10 cases of Bangladesh
  • 21 cases of Egyptian
  • 5 cases of Nepali
  • 6 cases Pakistani
  • 4 cases of Syrian
  • 3 cases of Filipino
  • 3 cases of NK
  • 2 cases of Srilankan
  • 1 case from this country ( KSA,Yemen,Lebanon,Iran,Benin,Jordan )

Other Cases 17

  • 4 cases of Kuwaiti Nationals
  • 1 case of Jordanian
  • 1 case of Pakistani

Intensive Care Units

  • 21 cases critical,29 cases of stable last 24 hours 2 deaths and 7 cases transferred to I.C.U


  • Indian national, 75 years old.
  • 1ndian National,57 years old

Out of a total of 2,248  cases now 34 of them are Filipino citizens.

All information is coming from MOH

Stay Safe, Stay Home and Keep Praying

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