April 16, 2020 Thursday MOH Announced the new corona virus ( COVID-19 ) in the last 24 hours which 119.
The total cases in Kuwait are 1,524
Full details below.
Related to Travel 4
- 2 cases of Kuwaiti national related to travel United Kingdom.
- 2 case of Kuwaiti national related to travel to U.S.A
Cases in Contact 102
- 4 cases of Kuwaiti
- 68 cases of Indian
- 12 cases of Bangladeshi
- 6 cases of Egyptian
- 5 cases of Filipino
- 3 cases of Jordanian
- 2 cases of Pakistan
- 1 case of Nepali
- 1 case of Srilankan
Under Investigation 13
- 1 case of Kuwait
- 5 cases of Egyptian
- 7 cases of Indian
Out of a total of 1,524 cases now 24 of them are Filipino citizens.
See details from MOH KUWAIT

Image from MOH
Stay Safe, Stay Home and Keep Praying