The Municipal Council approved a proposal submitted by member Ahmad Al-Enezi to separate restaurant licenses from that of cafes and ban shishas in cafes. The council decided that the mid-year holiday will be from Jan 5 until Jan 23. The council also discussed the public cleanliness issue, which remains on the agenda awaiting a report on the cleaning level and copy of contracts.
Councilmember Abdelsalam Al-Randi lauded the role and cooperation of the Kuwait Municipality by presenting cleaning contracts. Randi found it strange that there are 21 violations with a cost of KD 200, while the fine if one throws a tissue is KD 200 to KD 300, adding that this is a disturbing irony in the violations section. He said there is weak supervision by Kuwait Municipality over cleaning companies.
Meanwhile, councilmember Humoud Al-Enezi said 17 cleaning contracts were reviewed and commended the way they were drafted. He called for applying the GPS system and monitoring cleaning contractors in governorates. via Kuwaitimes