Meteorologists have predicted a volatile summer in the country this year, noting that the temperature will be about 68 degrees under the sun next month.
They pointed out on Twitter that the temperatures yesterday reached 63 degrees Celsius under direct sunlight at 11 am, reports Al-Qabas daily. They added the declared result is not official, but are measured by means of monitoring devices available to them.
They pointed out the temperature under the shade was 45 degrees Celsius, a degree according to the concerned government agencies
Last two-year reports Temperature in Kuwait hit to 51 degrees on the month of June 2017 -via Arabtimes
How to Protect yourself from Extreme Heat this Summer
See these 10 tips for you during this summer months.
10) Keep yourself hydrated
You must remember to drink enough fluids to keep your body hydrated. You must drink ten to fifteen glasses of water every day. If you are someone who often forgets to drink water, set a reminder on your phone and keep on sipping water every half an hour or so. Keep a bottle filled with cold water and keep on sipping on it. Rather than drinking tea or coffee go for fluids that will make your body cool and hydrate you such as lemonade or fresh lime soda.
9) Wear the right kind of clothes
Your skin needs to breathe too. Don’t wear clothes that are going to cling to your body and make you feel hot and suffocated. Opt for clothes that are made of a hundred percent cotton as they are bound to keep you cool in the heat. Wear loose clothes that will not stick to your body. Rather than opting for dark colors that absorb heat go for light colors.
8) Shower frequently
Shower twice a day with cold water to keep the temperature of your body under control. If you work out, make sure you take a shower after it. Not only will it keep you smelling fresh, it will also keep you cool and less irritated. Any form of exercise is bound to make you sweat, showering is extremely essential as it will also save you from getting a nasty rash or developing an infection. If you do not take precautions, red and irritated skin is going to be tough to combat when you are sweating throughout the day.
7) Avoid alcohol and caffeine
Liquids like alcohol and caffeine do the opposite of hydrating you. They soak up all the water in your body and leave you feeling dehydrated. You don’t have to completely cut them out of their diet, but try limiting their consumption to one or two a day. Also, if you cannot majorly cut down on them then make it a point to keep on drinking water in between so that the level of water in your body is balanced and you stay hydrated.
6) Stay indoors
If the sun is scorching outside there is no need to go out and exercise or play. Engage in activities that you can do indoors. If you really want to go out, try going to places that are air-conditioned such as malls or movie theaters. You can easily watch a movie and stay cool for three hours rather than walking under the sun. Gather all of your friends at one place and spend time playing games and talking. A lot of activities can be done indoors and keep you entertained.
5) Exercise timely
If you are an exercise freak and can’t go on a single day without working out, its a good thing. But try working out in the gym which is blasting the air-conditioned or work out in the shade. Avoid exercising during the time when the sun is high as it will dehydrate you faster and tire you out. If you want to go for a run, go in the morning when the sun isn’t out or after when the sun sets. Exercising in summers is going to make you lose weight and become fit faster than in winters, but that doesn’t mean you should over exhaust yourself to the point where you drop.
4) Go for cooler food options
Try staying away from the stove as it throws a lot of heat. Try eating more salads and fruits that will make you feel cool on the inside and hydrate you. Don’t eat hot meals straight off the stove as they are going to warm you up from the inside no matter how delicious they might seem. Go for cold cuts that can be eating cold and will make you feel full too.
3) Don’t forget to carry a cap or an umbrella
Umbrellas are not meant to be used only in monsoons. You can easily carry an umbrella and save yourself from the scorching sun. It is just about wearing the right kind of apparel and carrying the right kind of accessories. Wearing a cap will shade your eyes from the sun and will keep your head cool. Not only do the serve the purpose of protecting you from the heat, they also look stylish. Wear sunglasses as they will serve the purpose of toning down the intensity of the sun and will make it easier for you to go about your daily chores.
2) Don’t forget the sunscreen
Sunscreen is as important for your skin as toothpaste is for your teeth. Sunscreen protects your sensitive skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. It can even lead to sunburn, so make sure you remember to apply sunscreen. Make sure that the sunscreen is SPF 30 or higher as only then will it be able to protect your skin. Sunscreens are also known to prevent skin cancer, so don’t skip it! It only takes two minutes to apply sunscreen on your body. If you don’t have the time to apply it all over your body make sure that you cover the areas that are going to be exposed to the sun. For example: If you are wearing jeans then it isn’t necessary to apply sunscreen on your legs, but don’t forget to use sunscreen if you’re going out in shorts. They also prevent unnecessary tanning that no one likes.
1)Proper and Healthy Diet
A healthy diet is very important, especially during summers where lack of food coupled with heat can cause you to become dizzy and leave you with a severe headache. Rather than having heavy meals, keep on eating small portions every few hours. Fill your diet with fruits and juices that will keep you hydrated and feeling fresh. Do not skip breakfast. Not only is it the most important meal of the day, by having a healthy and filling breakfast daily you ensure a healthier lifestyle. The chance of getting headaches or feeling dizzy because of the heat also reduce if you have ensured having breakfast in the morning before leaving for work.