The Council of Ministers has reportedly favors continuation of procedures adopted by the Ministry of Health concerning medical tests for expatriate workers at the time of renewal of the residence permits, reports Al-Anba daily.
In order to preserve on the health and safety of citizens and residents some specialists had requested the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Interior to subject expats traveling to the countries of origin for examination upon renewal of residence permits.
The Cabinet stressed on the importance and the need to continue measures taken by the Health Ministry which were applied gradually after studying the health conditions in a number of countries which are included in a resolution and limited to 32 countries.
The Ministry of Health had recommended studying the possibility of obliging all expatriates to undergo medical tests during the renewal of residence permits in a bid to protect the citizens and residents from those who may be suffering from AIDS, tuberculosis and hepatitis (B and C), leprosy and malaria.
Via :Arabtimes